Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday January 19, 2011

I have decided to start a blog so that friends and family can keep up with our lives. I hope this works! (Never done anything like this before.)

I am currently 28 weeks 6 days pregnant with our third little boy. Joseph and Jacob want us to name him Max or Jackson, which I think is cute. I think we picked a name but I don't feel like sharing it with everyone just yet. We do know he is scheduled to arrive April 4, unless he chooses to come sooner. (As long as you're done cooking, please do lil man!)

Joe's 6, in kindergarten and doing fabulously. He is such a great reader and a very avid dinosaur expert. This kid knows almost everything about all dinosaurs and says he wants to be a paleotologist. We support whatever will make him happy.

Jacob is 4 and momma's little helper. It's just the two of us most days while Joey is at school. He goes to Speech Therapy twice a week to help with his pronunciation and he's made great progress. His most favorite things in the world are superheroes (Batman, Spiderman, X-Men, etc.), and he likes to watch football with daddy.

Matt has been working hard lately, helping run two facilities at a time. That man is always working! But, we are proud of him for finding something he has a passion for and he does a great job. He's our rock.

That's it for now!

1 comment:

  1. Very Cool... this Blog Stuff... Kimmy!!! Hey, can you change your background color? It's lavender with yellow print. It is a little hard to read. I am so very proud of my Elwell Family. I love you all so so much!!! Give (((HUGS))) & (((KISSES))) all around!!! Love Momma <3
